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Debunking Myths in MIPS with Dr. Jeffrey Lehrman

Debunking Myths in MIPS with Dr. Jeffrey Lehrman

On September 20th, NEMO Health had Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS), Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) training for our teams. It was facilitated by Dr.Jeffrey Lehrman who was recently named one of “America’s Most Influential Podiatrists”. Dr. Lehrman is in private practice in Fort Collins, Colorado and he is a nationally recognized speaker, consultant and adjunct professor at Temple University.

Dr. Lehrman spoke with our team about the best ways to help practices manage their MIPS and MACRA scores. There are many myths about MIPS that are commonly believed and NEMO Health acts as a trustworthy source of information for customers. It is our job to be a resource and guide practices through the confusions or uncertainties that can surround quality payment programs.

At NEMO Health, we train our team on a regular basis in order to make sure that we’re providing high-quality services and the most up to date information to our customers. If you’re interested in NEMO Health’s services call us at 1-855-944-2995.
